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Sleep Safe Strap

$15.95 - SKU: SSS-1

Sold individually; call for quantity pricing


For years over the road trucks and C and  B class RV owners have been concerned with the security of their vehicle, and themselves, while they rested or slept inside.

The Sleep Safe Strap provides the most practical and secure method of protecting a driver inside his or her cab available today.

Most drivers who use this method of securing the doors try to rig up a seatbelt to secure the doors from opening, which ruins the belt and is typically ineffective.  The fact is that most tractors have a limited amount of door keys and access through conventional break in techniques is easy for a trained thief creates the need to secure the doors from opening while the driver is at rest.  By securing the doors from inside while the driver is sleeping, the occupants drastically reduce their vulnerability to a surprise break in.  By using the doors window frame as a means to secure the doors and block entry, that inside stay safe and secure from intruders.

This extraordinary simple product provides peace of mind and safety at an affordable price.  The Sleep Safe Strap is a means by which drivers can quickly and safely lock their tractors doors by using the vehicles own structure. The device works by embedding two steel brackets between the windows and the frames on both doors.  It is installed by lowering down each window a few inches, inserting the,  L,  bracket and re closing the windows to lock the bracket into the door channel above the window. It does not stress the windows nor bend the frame. It uses simple physics to bind one door to another with equal stress and thereby prevents either door from being able to be opened, with or without a key.  The military grade reinforced strapping exhibits over 3500 pounds of pull strength.  The strap binds the two frames and locks with a strong plastic quick release clip. The Sleep Safe Strap is also safe to that those inside by featuring a quick release in case of the need for an emergency exit.  By being able to provide enhanced security through a simple door to door integrity locking seal, the Sleep Safe Strap is your best choice for a safe secure night sleep.

This product is highly recommended by WomenInTrucking.org.

Product is made in the U.S.A.

To Order Contact:

Erik Hoffer
24156 Yacht Club Blvd
Punta Gorda FL 33955
Tel.  +1 (941) 740-0074

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